Thursday, July 5, 2007

our Beloveds, smiling

The magic of Bhagavan Ramana is no different from that of Arunachala. One finds the marvellous stillness of the hill in every picture. There is the fire of knowledge resplendent in the eyes. The grace of flowing water in the natural ease of every posture, the line of arms and hands, the bend of the legs, the turn of neck. There is the marvellous comfort of earth, the sense of coming home to rest each time one sees him. The cool, fragrant breeze in his smile gentle, sometimes visible, sometimes almost invisible but blowing as bliss in his entire presence. There is the added attraction of the human bond, the hill walking on earth. Moving, yet unmoving, talking to teach, yet unwavering in silence.

How familiar and dear the face ever is. Yet, intriguingly different he looks in every picture. Even the hairline changes. It seemingly recedes and then moves forward again. The very features seem to have changed. From the young boy of twentyone looking barely fourteen or fifteen, so typically South Indian, to the universal features captured by Welling. The prominent collarbones almost fade for a few years during Mother Azhagammal's stay and personal care, then they are back again. There is much resemblance to the mother too that becomes evident as one works close, especially on the eyes. The eyes are unchanging, though, in their power and extraordinary beauty.

Everytime one gazes at the beauty of Arunachala, Ramana smiles. Every time one is lost in the enchantment of Bhagavan Ramana, Arunachala smiles.

~ Sri A. R. Natarajan, Arunachala, From Rigveda to Ramana Maharshi

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