Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Here I am!"

It is well-known that for a few months after Skandashram had been completed, Bhagavan spent the nights sometimes in Virupaksha Cave and sometimes up at Skandashram.

One day he went to Skandashram and stayed there for the night. Palani Swami was in the Virupaksha Cave. At midnight a thief got into the Guhainamasivaaya Mantap. He was making off with some things when Paatti woke up and cried out.

The thief tried to muffle her but she somehow managed to shout at the top of her voice: "Oh, Annamalai! Thief! Thief!"

Her shouts were even heard by Bhagavan way up at Skandashram. He shouted back: "Here I am! I'm coming. Who is that?" and ran down in hot haste.

Isn't it wonderful that Bhagavan who calls Annamalai as the 'Thief' (in Marital Garland of Letters) should rush down crying: "Here I am!" when Keerai Paatti called out to Annamalai!

~from Moments Remembered, Reminiscences of Bhagavan Ramana, by V. Ganesan

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