A grain of salt went to fathom the ocean’s depths, but when it became immersed, where did it go? What can it do and what can it measure when it has altogether ceased to exist?
My plight is like the plight of that grain of salt; though I desire to see you, to play my role, how and where shall I find you? It is beyond my imagination to conceive!
Like one who awakes in order to encounter sleep, and misses encountering it, here I am in order to encounter you who are completely pure and free like Nothingness.
It is certain that there is no darkness in the light of the Sun, and it is just as certain that there is no awareness of “I” in the absolute Self.
Thus, when I embrace you in purity, “I” and “Thou” will swallow each other. Truly, our meeting shall take place when “I” and “Thou” are both devoured. (46-50)
… It is in this place of inner vision that we shall see the place where ‘I’ and ‘Thou’ both die.
Therefore, swallow altogether these limitations of ‘I’ and ‘Thou,’ and we shall meet, the pure harmony and joy of such a meeting we shall surely relish always.
It will be like taste eating itself for the sake of enjoying taste, or like an eye becoming a mirror in order to see itself.
… The perfect meeting with the Infinite is eternally within ourselves. (52-4,57)
~ Jnaneshvar, Chângadeva Pâsashtî, translated by Swami Abhayananda
For a little more of this, please see this at enlightened-spirituality.com
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