Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Do not even for a moment lose sight of the Self.

The importance of diving within, seeking the source of the mind, of the 'I," is stressed by Ramana in his Upadesa Saram: "Sinking the mind in the Heart, its source, is karma, bhakti, yoga, and knowledge."

In self-enquiry also Ramana stresses this point to Gambhiram Seshier. "Do not even for a moment lose sight of the Self. Fixing the mind on the Self or the 'I' and abiding in the Heart is the perfection of yoga, meditation, wisdom, devotion, and worship. Since the Supreme Being abides as the Self, constant surrender of the mind by absorption in the Self is said to comprise all forms of worship."

~ A. R. Natarajan, Timeless in Time

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