Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This month, let us celebrate the arrival of Sri Muruganar at Bhagavan's Feet

It was in September of 1923 that Sri Muruganar first came to Bhagavan. (If anyone knows the exact date, please post. :-))

Muruganar's father-in-law Dandapani Swami showed him Aksharamanamalai, and Muruganar recognized right then that Bhagavan was the Guru he had been seeking. Soon after that, he set out for Arunachala.

How much we owe this "shadow of Bhagavan" as he was known!

I cried out, 'O rain cloud pregnant with compassion!
Teach me fully the trick
Of escaping alive from the flood of births.'
Ramana, Lord of wisdom and welfare, said,
'Neither like nor loathe the true or the false.
Stand in the centre and be
Impelled by the grace of the Lord.'

~ Sri Muruganar, Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai, vv 967-76

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